For Advisors

When there is clarity, there is confidence.

Typical Blackwood meeting

Why Blackwood?

Our team is often invited to the advisory table because a family is hesitant or becomes “stuck.” In our experience, this happens because there is a lack of clarity. We partner with you to understand and resolve the soft-side issues generally faced by enterprising families.

Once there is alignment across the family enterprise and the advisor teams that serve them, there will be clarity in direction, and confidence in decisions.

The Blackwood Process.

Blackwood’s approach is always collaborative. We are skilled in navigating the spaces where Family, Business, and Ownership concerns intersect. We work with existing advisors to identify and build out the best course of action, one that brings the family’s vision to life and meets the needs and expectations of the family, the business, and its shareholders. Most importantly, we know how to bring those plans to completion.


We work on behalf of our clients to quarterback the strategy development process through to implementation. We document the family’s vision so it can be shared with the existing advisory team. This clarity helps legal, tax, accounting, estate, and investment professionals work collaboratively from the outset to modify and develop the proper strategies and structures.


We assist the family and their advisors by bringing accountability to the process; we ensure that the strategies adopted to accomplish the family's goals actually happen. Wills actually get signed, USAs are put in place, new corporate structures are documented, trusts are set up, family constitutions are created, roles are clarified, compensation plans are confirmed, philanthropy strategies are implemented, and so on.

Your client is in safe hands.

Patrick O'Connor

Patrick O'Connor

Don Steele

Don Steele


Why Should Blackwood
Be Your Preferrer Partner?

Blackwood Logo Reflected
  1. Real and Personal

    We engage with you and your client to understand how to adjust our approach to meet the unique situation and relationship.
  2. Impartial

    We only have one mandate; to do what is best for your client, their family, their enterprise, and their community.
  3. Visible

    Our team expertly delves into the heart of the situation and provides clarity while working with you to have the hard conversations and find the right answers. Our fees are transparent and based on the scope and complexity of the work you and your client families require.
  4. Impactful

    We drive significant positive impact by ensuring you have the right vision to guide the best possible solutions to bring that vision to life; and then building a process to keep the vision alive.

Long-term plans for lasting success.

“I enjoy working with families that have already been through Blackwood’s process, because progress is always made quickly. They arrive with a clear vision of where they’d like to go over the next 5,10, 20 years, so I can focus my time developing the best strategies that will get them there. Also, Blackwood’s sustainability process ensures all the moving parts among advisors reflect the continuous changes in the client's business and family life, so all structures remain aligned with the family over the long-term.”

– Tax Lawyer, Manitoba
Real stories from clients.

Discover how we help enterprising families build the best possible future for their families, their businesses, and their communities.