The Blackwood Family

Working for you, your enterprising family, and your stakeholders.

Welcome to the Blackwood family.

We are family enterprise advisors and professionals who are experts in helping families like yours communicate at a higher level.


Patrick O’Connor

Managing Partner
Committed to making a difference for enterprising families by being a trusted advocate focused on accountability.

Don Steele

Collaborating with enterprising families to help them build and realize their vision.

Jennifer O’Connor

Chief Operating Officer
Excited about the impact that our work has on relationships; believes we help families be curious and connect by being genuinely curious ourselves.

Chelsea McKee-Trenchard

Director of Family Services
Passionate about helping families by designing and organizing plans that deliver successful outcomes and experiences.

Caitilin O’Connor

Finance Manager
Believes that when family members understand each other, and each other’s experiences, they can accomplish more.
Hear what our clients have to say.
Are you a family enterprise advisor?

Blackwood has one mandate: to do what's best for your client. Visit our advisor page to learn more about how we can help you serve your enterprising families.